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lab components / Forms and input

Input Field

Enable users to input a single line of text.

This is a Lab component!

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import { InputField } from "@siteimprove/fancylab";

#Input Field v.s Text area

To clarify the differences between InputField and TextArea, a short description is provided.

Component nameUsageBest practice
Input FieldCapture short, single-line text (max. 1-2 words)Use for names, email addresses, phone numbers
Text AreaCapture longer, multi-line textUse for paragraphs, feedback, descriptions, comments



  • Label: Provides a clear description of the expected input. See Form Element Wrapper .
  • Input: The actual text field where users enter data.
  • Placeholder (optional): Offers a hint or example of the expected input format.
  • Validation/Error Message (optional): Displays feedback on input validity.
  • Icon (optional): Enhances visual appeal or provides additional contexts.


The default input field is the most common variant, suitable for general text input. It adheres to a standard width and height, making it ideal for forms and data-entry tasks.

const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( <InputField aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value} onChange={setValue} /> );


The large input field offers a more prominent visual presence, emphasizing its importance or accommodating longer input.

Best Practices:

  • Consider using the large variant sparingly to avoid overwhelming the user interface.
  • Ensure that the input field's width remains proportionate to the surrounding content.
const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( <InputField aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Large" name="some input" value={value} onChange={setValue} large /> );

#Full width

The full-width input field spans the entire container width, providing maximum space for text input.

Use Cases:

  • Input fields within dialogs or Modal
  • Standalone input fields requiring significant visual emphasis

Best Practices:

  • Reserve full-width input fields for specific scenarios where their size is justified.
  • Ensure the input field adapts gracefully to different screen sizes.
const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( <InputField aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Full-width" name="some input" value={value} onChange={setValue} fullWidth /> );


The disabled input field is visually distinct, indicating that it is not available for interaction.

Use Cases:

  • Displaying read-only information (e.g., system-generated values)
  • Preventing input in specific contexts (e.g., when a condition is not met)

Best Practices:

  • Clearly communicate the reason for the disabled state using a tooltip or accompanying text.
  • Avoid using disabled input fields for purely aesthetic purposes.
const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( <InputField aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Disabled" name="some input" value={value} onChange={setValue} disabled /> );


The invalid input field highlights incorrect or incomplete data, providing immediate feedback to the user.

Use Cases:

  • Form validation errors (e.g., incorrect email format, required field missing).
  • Real-time input validation during data entry

Best Practices:

  • Display a clear and concise error message explaining the issue. See Form Element Wrapper
  • Allow users to easily correct the input and clear the error.
const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( <InputField aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value} onChange={setValue} invalid /> );


Slug input fields often incorporate symbols like "%" or currency symbols ($) to provide visual cues to the user about the expected input format.




const [value1, setValue1] = useState(""); const [value2, setValue2] = useState(""); const [value3, setValue3] = useState(""); const [value4, setValue4] = useState(""); return ( <> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value1} onChange={setValue1} leftSlug="%" fullWidth /> <br /> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value2} onChange={setValue2} leftSlug="Count:" rightSlug="items" fullWidth /> <br /> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value3} onChange={setValue3} rightSlug="$" disabled fullWidth /> <br /> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value4} onChange={setValue4} rightSlug="$" invalid fullWidth /> </> );

#Complex Slugs

Complex slug input fields provide additional functionality beyond basic text input, such as:

  • Search icon only button: Initiates a search based on the entered text.
  • Select as a filter: Allows users to select the input value as a filter to refine search results or other data sets.

Best Practices:

  • Present the functionality of the complex slug clearly and intuitively. See Auto Complete.
  • Use appropriate icons or labels to indicate the available actions.
  • Provide visual feedback when actions are performed (e.g., loading state during search).
  • Ensure that the complex slug behavior is consistent with the overall user experience.

const [value1, setValue1] = useState(""); const [value2, setValue2] = useState(""); const [value3, setValue3] = useState(""); const dropdownItens = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]; const [selected, setSelected] = useState<string | undefined>(dropdownItens[0]); return ( <> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value1} onChange={setValue1} leftSlug={<Button>Slug Button!</Button>} /> <br /> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value2} onChange={setValue2} rightSlug={ <Button aria-label="Search"> <Icon> <IconSearch /> </Icon> </Button> } /> <br /> <InputFieldWithSlug aria-label="My accessible input component" placeholder="Placeholder" name="some input" value={value3} onChange={setValue3} leftSlug={ <Select items={ => ({ value: x, title: x }))} value={selected} onChange={setSelected} hideClearButton aria-label="list of 3 options" /> } rightSlug={ <Button aria-label="Search"> <Icon> <IconSearch /> </Icon> </Button> } /> </> );

#Usage with date

When using the type="date" property, the input will be rendered with a date picker, using the browser's native implementation. This means that the input can be rendered differently depending on the browser. The input value will be a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD, which is the default format for the native date picker, but the date presentation will be according to the browser's locale setting.

Use Cases:

  • Forms requiring date input (e.g., birth date, event date).
  • Calendars or scheduling features.
  • Filtering data by date.

Best Practices:

  • Use a clear label to indicate the expected date format (e.g., YYYY-MM-DD).
  • Consider providing additional input validation to ensure the entered date is valid.
const [value, setValue] = useState("2023-12-31"); return ( <InputField aria-label="My accessible date input" name="mydate" type="date" value={value} onChange={setValue} /> );


stringValue of the form control
functionCallback for onChange event
stringName applied to the form control
stringId applied to the form control
booleanIs the form control invalid
functionCallback for onBlur event
stringLabel of the form control
stringID of an an element that describes what the form control is for
stringID of an an element that labels this form control
"color" | "date" | "email" | "number" | "password" | "search" | "text"
"decimal" | "email" | "numeric" | "search" | "tel" | "url"
stringCustom className that's applied to the outermost element (only intended for special cases)
objectStyle object to apply custom inline styles (only intended for special cases)
numberTab index of the outermost HTML element of the component
functionCallback for onKeyDown event
functionCallback for onMouseDown event
functionCallback for onMouseEnter event
functionCallback for onMouseLeave event
functionCallback for onFocus event
stringName of the component. Should only be set by components since it needs to stable. Used to track component usage
stringUnique string, used by external script e.g. for event tracking


#Best practices


Use InputField when

  • You need to collect a single line of text input from the user.
  • The input can be of various types, including text, email, number, date, etc.
  • You require a simple and standardized way to gather user information.


InputField is typically used in the following places:

  • Form: For collecting user data, such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • Search: To allow users to enter search queries.
  • Data entry tables: For inline editing of cell values.
  • Modal: To gather input within a focused context.


  • Siteimprove Design System: Adhere to Siteimprove's guidelines for color, typography, and spacing. If you are not using a component from Fancy, match the styling of your InputField to existing components for visual consistency.
  • Responsive Field Widths:
    • Field widths should be proportionate to the expected content length, typically allowing for the average input to fit comfortably. Align field widths with the responsive grid system (columns or percentages) to maintain layout consistency.
    • On smaller screens, prioritize usability by using full-width fields. This prevents users from having to scroll horizontally to input information.
  • Clear Labels & Placeholders:
    • Labels: Use clear, concise labels placed above the field to identify its purpose. Ensure sufficient contrast between the label and the background for readability.
    • Placeholders (optional): Use placeholders within the field to provide hints or examples of the expected input format.
  • Input Masking & Validation:
    • Input masking: For specific formats (e.g., phone numbers, usage with dates), use input masking to guide users and ensure correct input.
    • Real-time validation: Provide immediate feedback on input validity (e.g., error messages) to help users correct mistakes quickly. See Form Element Wrapper.
  • Graceful Text Handling:
    • Input overflow: If the input exceeds the visible field length, either allow horizontal scrolling or use an ellipsis (...) to indicate that there is more content.
    • Label wrapping: If a label is too long to fit on a single line, allow it to wrap naturally to the next line to maintain readability.

#Do not use when

  • You need to collect multi-line text input (use a Text area instead).
  • You need to collect a file upload (use a File Input instead).
  • You need a more complex input interaction (use a Form) instead.


#For designers

  • Ensure sufficient color contrast between the input field and its background.

#For developers

This component comes with built-in accessibility, no extra work required.

Explore detailed guidelines for this component: Accessibility Specifications


  • Use clear, concise labels to indicate the expected input type.
  • Provide helpful placeholder text as a hint or example.
  • Avoid using placeholders as substitutes for labels.